White Raiment Ministries
Jesus in Qur’an
The Word of God (kalimatu Allah): 3:39, 3:45, 4:171 

John the Baptist confirms Jesus as “Word”: 3:39 

The Spirit of God (Rouhana Allah): 21:91, 66:12 

The Spirit from God (Rouh minhu): 4:171 

Holy Spirit (Rouh Qudus) Empowered/Led (ayyadhu) 2:87, 2:253, 5:110 

The Messiah: 3:45, 4:157, 4:171, 4:172, 5:17, 5:72, 5:75, 9:30, 

Lord/Master (rab): 9:31 

Mediator/noble/exalted (wajihan or wajih) now and hereafter 3:45 

Intercessor (shafa’a); 2:255, 21:28 

The Gospel (bashir) or good news: 3:45 

The Mercy from God (al rahmantan mina): 19:21 

The Peace (al salaam) rests on him: 19:33 

A Mercy (rahmatan) decreed or ordained (maqdahi); 9:21 

Messenger/apostle (rasul): 2:253 (above other messengers) 4:157, 5:75 

Prophet (nabyyun) 19:30 

Servant (abd Allah) of God: 4:172, 19:30, 43:59 

Faithful Witness (shahid) for God: 4:159, 5:117 

Not Wicked, Vain or Overbearing (jabbaran shaqiyyan) 19:32 

Sent Down from Heaven (anzil’ata) 3:53, 5:114-115 

Given the Secrets of the Unseen (ghyab) (supernatural): 3:44 

The Sign for the Hour of Judgment: 43:61 

Righteous (saliheen): 3:46, 6:85 

God’s Favor was on Him: 2:253, 5:110, 43:59 

God Blessed (mubarak) Him wherever He was: 19:31 

Given Wisdom and Revelation of the Old Testament and Gospel: 3:48, 2:136, 
19:30, 43:63, 57:27 

God Inspired 4:163 

God made a Covenant with Him: 33:7 

2nd Adam: 3:59 

Was Plotted Against: 3:54 

An Example to the children of Israel: 43:59 

Healer of the blind and lepers: 3:49, 5:110 

Raised the Dead: 3:49, 5:110 

Miraculously brought food to earth from heaven: 5:112–118 

Spoke from the Cradle: 5:110, 19:24, 19:29–33 

Breathed Life into Birds made from clay: 3:49, 5:110 

Clear Sign & Showed Miracles: be-yinat, unto all mankind: 2:87, 2:87, 2:253, 
3:49-50, 5:114, 19:21, 21:91, 43:61 & 43:63 

Conceived by the Spirit of God (Rouh Al-Qudus): 21:91, 66:12 

Born of a Virgin Mary: 3:47, 3:59, 19:20-21 

Sinless or “Pure” (zakiyyah): 3:46, 19:19 

Died (mutawafeka)3:55, 4:159, 5:117, 19:15, 19:33 

Slain (taqutulun): 2:8, 5:70 

Resurrected from the dead (yum uba’athu): 19:33,
Ascended up to God in heaven: 3:55, 4:158 

Near to God (muqarrabeen): 3:45 

Coming Back on judgment day (yum al-qiyama): 3:55, 4:159, 43:61 

Coming Back to attest the law: 3:50 & the Gospel: 3:45 

We Are Ordered To: 

Obey (atee’uon) 3:50, 43:63 

Believe (aamanou): 4:159, 5:111 

Follow (ettabio’un): 3:55, 43:61
Jesus’ Disciples Are:
Superior (fawqua) to those who disbelieve: 3:55 

True Believers (aamanou minhum) to God: 57:27 

God’s Helpers (ansar Allah) of the revelation of Jesus: 3:52, 61:14 

Have Power Over Enemies: 61:14 

Witnesses (shahid) to the truth of Jesus: 5:113 

Inspired disciples (al-hawariyun) to have faith in God: 5:111