White Raiment Ministries

About Us
As-Salaam-Alaikum! We are a Seventh-Day Adventist lay ministry. We believe in abstaining from drinking alcohol, eating pork and bowing to idols. We believe in worshiping The One True God of Heaven. The God who Jesus worships. It is our great desire to share with You our Muslim Brothers and Sisters as to what Allah has said about you in the Holy Bible (The Book). We have found many Prophecies and Stories concerning You as Ishmael's Descendants.
Upcoming Events


Islam in Bible prophecy Talks
The bible has much to say about Ishamel's lineage and the Muslims heritage from the old testament. The Book of Revelation prophesyed the rise of Islam and the Prophet Isaiah was given many dreams concerning you and Heaven (Jenna).

International Cooking Classes
We have some very gifted Persons by God to create and cook nutricious and delicious foods from all cultures and Flavors from all over the world. There is many foods that can help you in treating and preventing many diseases.

Childrens Summer Program
We have a great Youth program to help your child to learn and grow spiritually while having fun. We can provide a summer program or even a shorter or one whichever is more convenient.

Healthy lifestyle Classes
Jesus in the Qur'an Lectures
Preperation for End Times
Your kitchen is a Pharmacy in of itself, learn how Hydrotherapy, charcoal Poultices and other natural remedies can help you with your health and healing. Remedies and counsel fromt the Bilbe and true science.
The Honored Qur'an has so much to say about Isa al Massiah (Jesus the Messiah). The Qur'an speaks of His miracles, his followers, his life and even his death.
All of the Prophets were raised in the wilderness or desert area. As Gods Last Day People, The People of the Book, we to believe that God would have us to move to the Country side for our safety and for spending time With God
Joesph, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Solomon, David, Paul, and the Protestant Reformers were all blessed by Ishmaels's Descendants.
Islam protects the Righteous